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Thursday, March 28, 2013

365 Days of Story Prompts

Here are some questions for you: Do you ever get writers' block? Do you ever sit down to compose a post or submit a journal entry but just can't think of the words to say? Do you FINALLY get some time to write, and find that at that exact moment is when you don't remember what it was you were going to say?

I want to tell you about something I created specifically for the RootsTech/Story@Home 2013 Conference, but which is now available to the public: 365 Days of Story Prompts will help you as you document your own story, the story of your family, and create your own family history.

The title indicates that there are 365 Days of prompts, but my opinion is that the product provides many more days' worth of writing than just one year. Truly.

365 Days of Story Prompts is available in download form at Go to their website and click on 'online store.'

From there, click on the red circle with the '365' - it should be the first item listed.

Or, just click these words to go right to the site.

Tell your mom. Or, just get it for her (Mother's Day is coming up). Please note: this product is available as a download, and download links expire 5 days after purchase.

Also: I want to thank everyone who took the time to attend my class at the RootsTech/Story@Home Conference last weekend, and also those who sent well wishes via twitter, instagram, and otherwise. I hope the attendees had as much of a positive experience during that hour as I did. And for those who are interested in the he said/she said form to which I referred, here's an example.

1 comment:

Emily said...

You rocked that class. It was fabulous!