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Monday, March 03, 2008

i'd love for you to elaborate

What enriches you?


Anonymous said...

Getting lost in a good book.

Spending time with family and friends.

Appreciating good music and good art.

Creating something worthwhile.

Noticing simple kindnesses and random acts of beauty.

(Thanks for asking.)

La Yen said...

Getting face time in with friends
A good night's sleep
General conference
Talking about things of the Spirit
Being outside

(And I can't believe how many of these I don't do on even a sporadic basis. What a reality check!)

TheOneTrueSue said...

Non-distracted family time
Playing the piano and singing
Talking to people who aren't exactly like me

Carina said...


Baking for other people. You know.

Writing something that makes me laugh. I love when I make myself laugh.

Making something really cool by myself. Like marzipan fruits, or some art project, it's like I go zen. I lose myself in the creation of something, all the cares kind of slide away while I work.

Listening to NPR. I am a voracious learner. I need to learn something new all the time. I want to think.

Having a really great conversation. It just zings when you're talking with someone and the sparks fly, connecting at every level.

Lovin' my babies.

Reading. It can be something challenging like a Boyd K. Packer talk I just read, or light hearted, I love to read. Another chance to learn, I guess.

Time by myself in silence. I need it.

tia frijoles said...

going to work at a job i love where people pay me to make them feel good about themselves. who knew two hands could do so much?

going to the beach.

reading although i don't do that nearly enough unless you count massage books to research conditions.

talking to my sister nearly everyday on the phone. she is so wise and such a blessing in my life.

Geo said...

dancing (with dog)
my kind(s) of music
a good laugh
great food
quiet / down time
time with nature
time with Rob
train whistles
time with Young Women
natural light
hot tubs
time with friends
cooking / baking
"energy work"
the Morning Stories project
Eliane's French Bakery

C. Jane Kendrick said...

Temple trips.

Anonymous said...

Good point La Yen. Sad, but true.

Lisa said...

going on a date with my husband
having an uninterrupted conversation with husband
doing improv with awesome people
going on walks with my kids

AND (wait for it. . .) BEIN' AWESOME!

sue-donym said...

Making those plaque things that say "All because two people fell in love".

swampbaby said...

Enrichment Night, of course.

amanda said...

Metta has known my sister Lindsay, and myself since birth. Metta has even lived with our family a couple of times. So, we do consider her a sister, but she is not an actual sister. Do you know her?

Shar said...

I love to do things for other people. And what I would love to do for you, is send you a beautiful necklace with matching earrings because you are my grand prize winner!

Thank you for your good ideas! I was seriously struggling.

Email me your address at:
theallentribe [at] msn [dot] com and I will send your lovely prize on it's way!

sue-donym said...

seriously now.

A good book
a hot bath
great conversation
an afternoon nap
an inspiring church service
a day with my mom
Watching others succeed

b. said...

My kids.
Crystal Light Wild Strawberry Energy
Pellet Ice
A good discussion
Learning something new
Serving someone who really needs it
Serving anonymously
Realizing and Understanding a difficult Doctrinal concept