That's right! My family's favorite children's show . . . you know, the one that taught my kids songs which made them excited to do things such as wash their hands, make new friends, and try new foods? . . . has a LIVE show and it's coming to Utah!
On Tuesday, November 9th, there will be 2 shows: one at 2:pm featuring the very talented and enjoyable Benton Paul (you remember him from the first Rooftop Concert Series show), and another at 6:pm featuring Megan Joy (you remember her from American Idol). The show will be held at The Maverick Center, which is The E Center in West Valley.
Yesterday I was contacted by the one and only Sam Shultz (of Sammy's Cafe in Provo [and rexburg!], another of my family's favorites), who offered to let me share special discount codes with YOU, Dear Readers, for the Utah Gabba shows, which codes are good through October 24th. See, Sam's brother is a creator of Yo Gabba Gabba! (Is he the same creator who is Lisa's cousin? I'd love to know.)
Here are the links for your discounted tickets:
6:pm show -
2:pm show -
Remember, these codes are good through October 24th, and $10 off is a great deal.
I'll see you there! I'll be the one showing off my Very Special Dancey Dance! Me & Biz Markie!
Don't forget!
Until 10/22/10, you can still enter the giveaways for the following games:
Mastermind Animal Towers
Rubik's Slide
Bubble Talk
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