The game suggests that The Judge changes each round, but we played it by having one person be the judge for the entire game. The first time we played it, we pre-determined that we would play five rounds; we were having such a fun time laughing with each other, however, that we played at least a dozen rounds with the kids begging to play more. It is so fun to play.
Bubble Talk from TechnoSource
· Bubble Talk is a hilarious, fast-paced tabletop board game that challenges players to match funny captions with even funnier pictures
· Easy to play and fun for the whole family, Bubble Talk begins when each player draws seven random caption cards. The judge for that round draws a picture card and players must quickly try to match the funniest caption they have to the picture. The player who makes the judge laugh the most wins that round
· Families can even customize the game play to their liking: play for a few minutes or several hours, substitute personal photos or write-in captions
· MSRP: $19.99
· Available beginning now at specialty retailers nationwide, including Learning Express and Barnes & Noble. Online at,, and
· Website:
I'm giving away one Bubble Talk game to a lucky winner!
~ Leave a comment telling me your favorite. Just your favorite.
Giveaway ends on Friday, October 22nd at 11:59 PM, MST. Winner will be announced on Monday, October 25th. Winner will send me their contact info via email, after which the game will be mailed directly to the winner from my contact at Pressman.
Pressman Toy is an FTC compliant company. Disclosure: I was given this game by Pressman Toy for free to review and I get to keep the game at the end of my review period.
All right, here goes:
Fav Board Game: I really liked Life growing up, I still feel like playing but do not currently own one of the original or any of the billion themed ones.
Fav Animal: Monkey, I know there are lot of species but I like the generic monkey.
Fav Video Game: I could not tell you my score on Pac Man as I have not played in some 20 years (never really did like the game). Growing up I spent many a quarter in the arcade and was particularly fond of the Dragons Lair games.
Misc Favorite: My favorite way to kick off Fall is with a batch of pumpkin applesauce bread/cake. I made some a couple weeks to force fall to come and it worked.
Joel R. Wallin
My favorite today? Oreos with a side of Nutter Butters.
My favorite today was Fruity Pebbles.
My favorite is food. Specifically Lucky Charms.
My favorite is cough medicine with codeine. Games are good too.
Um, You.
Also smiling.
But mostly you.
My all time favorite game is Bohnaza.
oooo, i'm with kacy-love that stuff whether i'm coughing or not...i was also always a fan of Snape-primarily because i love Alan Rickman in anything
Favorite always: My two nieces. They are funny, funny girls. Kinda like me. :)
My favorite sandwich is grilled cheese.
My favorite is really early on summer days when it's still cool and gray. That's my favorite.
My favorite family-friendly restaurant is Red Robin. And my favorite date restaurant is Magleby's. Yum!
Balderdash. I looove me some balderdash.
Things that taste good.
Christmas Eve with my family. And Santa's cookies! Shhhhhhhh.
my favorite things?
WINNING stuff!
My Favorite: stillness.
today: open-mouthed kisses from my one year old.
Mint Chocolate Chip was the first thing that popped in my mind. Guess who's having ice-cream for lunch?
My favorite activity is being with my family. My husband and I have 5 children and are getting ready to send our oldest off to college next summer. We enjoy and don't take for granted one moment we are all together.
My favorite is the sound of my son laughing so hard he snorts.
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