I eagerly passed this game along to my daughter, who figured out how to play in two minutes' time. Be aware that with this game you will have to enforce Taking Turns.
Rubik’s Slide from TechnoSource
· To celebrate the 30th Anniversary of the Rubik’s Cube, Techno Source introduces Rubik’s Slide™, the new electronic puzzle game that anyone can play and no one can put down!
· Featuring more than 10,000 puzzles, Rubik's Slide includes two different types of play.
· Players can choose from multiple levels of difficulty, with easy, medium and hard puzzles built-in, vibrant light and sound effects, adjustable volume control, and high score memory. Batteries are included.
· MSRP: $19.99
· Available at major & specialty retailers nationwide, including Wal-Mart, Target, Toys “R” Us, K-Mart, JCPenney beginning fall 2010
· Website: http://www.technosourcehk.com/pr-rubiksslide.php
I'm giving away one Rubik's Slide game to a lucky winner!
~ Leave a comment telling me your high score on Pac-Man. Or your favorite video or electronic game.
Giveaway ends on Friday, October 22nd at 11:59 PM, MST. Winner will be announced on Monday, October 25th. Winner will send me their contact info via email, after which the game will be mailed directly to the winner from my contact at Pressman.
Pressman Toy is an FTC compliant company. Disclosure: I was given this game by Pressman Toy for free to review and I get to keep the game at the end of my review period.
Favorite video game? Probably the Super Mario Bros. line played on a classic Nintendo 64. :)
Obviously you don't know how old I am. Otherwise you would ask me to remember my high score on Pac Man.
I'm so old, I played Pong.
I could not tell you my score on Pac Man as I have not played in some 20 years (never really did like the game). Growing up I spent many a quarter in the arcade and was particularly fond of the Dragons Lair games.
Super Mario!
I never was very good at Pac-Man. But my favorite video game was Super Mario Brothers.
I'm into Words With Friends. Does that count?
I was really, really good at Tetris, although my sister was so darn good she even made me look mediocre.
Back in the day, I played Super Mario. Now I play "mom," a super high tech and totally innovative game all.day.long. Plus, I love it. Hope I win!
I'm still partial to pong.
I pretty much suck at every other game... although on the Wii I always kick-a when it comes to combat, boxing, sword fighting, it drives my hubby CRAZY. He refuses to play with me as I always whip him.
I loved space invaders but I don't think I ever got an impressive score (1200?) but it's fun anyway.
Gosh, I loved playing PacMan but can't, for the lfe of me, remember my high score. My favorite game was probably Frogger.
Favorite game? Probably Frogger!!! so fun! And I rocked at it!
I love Katamari.
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