What they mean is that I don't sound like I'm from New York City (no disrespect, fuhgettabouddit).
It's because I'm not.
There are other places in New York.
Like this one:
It's prounounced "BUST-eye" (not "busty"). And that's my brother, James (prounounced "JAY-me" if you knew him when he was young). He will be your tour guide today, using mainly his finger.
This is the house in which we grew up. Pardon the vehicle in front -- that was my rental for my visit.
This is the sign across the street from the house. It advertises all the goings on, of which there are many throughout the year, mainly in September.
Jayme loves this sign.
This is also across the street from the house (the house picture, the sign pictures, and this picture were all taken from the same spot, just turned in different directions). It is a "Protestant Free Church." I haven't ever seen people attend church here, but I have seen a lady make candles inside. Pioneer stuff, but in Busti, we call it Amish.
This is an ice cream shop and a reception hall. I remember going to this building before it was a reception hall and buying bags of cheese curd.
This is one of two actual churches in Busti. (I couldn't take a photo of the other one because I'm pretty sure they have security cameras and Mormon sensors set to shoot at a second's notice; be assured that it is a large and spacious building with its own mini-version of Calvary in the side yard.)
Here is their sign.
Praise be.
Here is the fire hall.
Here is someone driving an ATV in the fire hall's parking lot (sorry my mirror is in the way).
Here is a silly yellow car parked in the fire hall's parking lot.
Here is a truck parked near "The Triangle" at the five corners. The fire hall is at the five corners. The five corners is where Busti's light is.
Here is the library. I cannot tell you how many hours I spent here. Lots. Kids met outside to have some sort of club; I never joined because doing so involved pledging, in part, "...Michael Jackson is a fag..." and, well, at the time he was my boyfriend. No thanks, Kids.
Look! Another ice cream store!
Here is the diner at the five corners. In my day, it was The Corner Store, where we bought penny candy and subs. When I was an awesome pre-teen, this is where I bought my Tiger Beat and Noxzema. Today it's called Whatever Diner. Next week it will be something else.
This jewel deserves a two-fingered point. It's Jesse's. Not Jesse's gas station, just Jesse's. Jesse is the owner. I remember going here to get my bike tires filled with air. Jesse was a scary-looking individual, and my parents speculated about Jesse adding water to the gasoline he sold. They also took their vehicles to Jesse's for service. Constantly. Guess Jesse never fixed the vehicles. Looks like Jesse's is for sale, if you're interested. Last gas stop before Sugar Grove, Pennsylvania.
Yes, Egg Farm. It's been around since the days of yore.
Down the road a bit is the Cider Mill Farm.
Here's the actual Mill. Jayme hates this place (won't tell you which finger that is) because he worked here one day for like, 27 hours and got paid 37 cents. That's how the Amish do things.
But...how will I pay for my Mill Goods?
Oh! Good!
Lots to do here in Busti!
Another Farm? Could it be?
Yes! Some kids live there! But what can I buy?
Oh, sure! (Jayme was not present for these pictures.)
Driving out of Busti you can see how much people get excited about living so close to Buffalo.
Thanks for joining us on our tour! Any questions?
I used to live in Schenectady, and when people would hear I was from New York they'd say, "ooooh, no wonder you're so sophisticated". They had no idea how small-town life can be in NY state.
Awesome. Everyone needs a little trip back home now and then! Thanks for the tour.
Loved the tour. Gotta love a town with more ice cream stores than stop lights.
Love it! Wow--as much as I've heard about the place, I've never seen pics. Dex and I want to end up somewhere like that except for the gas station problem. Small town beautiful. ahh....
So do they take garden veggies and fudge as payment, too? ;)
I think everyone should document their hometown in pictures! Love all the trees.
This was seriously so fun.
Totally funny. I love to make fun of Jamestown too...only when Nate is around. :) It think it must be pretty similar to Busti. I hope you are having a great trip!
LOVED the tour! What prompted the visit?
P.S. My g'rents live in NYC and anytime we go for a visit they INSIST on driving us up to Lake Luzerne/Lake George and that whole scene, to prove to us that MOST of New York is rural.
P.P.S Do they grow MacIntosh at those orchards??? (I've heard they grow them a bunch back east and they are SO hard to find here in CA!!!)
Why ISN'T it pronounced Bust-eee? I guess because it ends in I? Maybe I just answered my own question.
But where are the kittens for sale on your lawn?
The best part of this photo tour was imagining how much fun you and James had doing it.
I also think it is great that the Mill will accept their own vegetables. What a concept.
This really males me miss the hometown of my youth. Does anyone have any pictures of the downtown Provo Woolworth"s?
makes me miss. makes. Cut me some slack, it's 2:30 in the AM.
Where is my apple butter?
I have never been to NY, Thank you for the tour.
Just when I thought I couldn't get to know you any better . . .
Loved the tour. Thanks to Jayme too.
I love it!! That is such a pretty town (and I love that the local hang outs haven't really changed, just the names... my town is like that too).
Oh, the Provo Woolworth's!
I miss that place!
i think i want to move there. thanks for letting me know about it. though the name is kinda funky. i was just in NJ this weekend and i miss the east.
That is the cutest town I have ever seen. EVER!! Thanks for the tour.
I think I want to live there, or at least summer there - thanks for the tour.
I hate the five corner corner because everytime we go to your mom's house Jayme goes a different way and we end up coming in from a different street and then I can't tell which one we are supposed to turn on and I keep writing these really long sentences and I like it.
That reminds me of my college town, Frostburg, Maryland. It was equally charming (sans the finger guide, of course...) I miss it. Nothing beats the East in the fall!
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