Monday we were warned.
Tuesday we were . . . warned some more. "Get to the store!" "Stock up!" "You won't be able to drive for a few days!" "The roads will be coated with ice!"
I waited. 1:pm came and went. 3:pm came and went. At 4:30 I searched the horizon . . . and found blue skies. As I drove in to my garage a little before 7:pm, the flurries had begun.
And this morning we were rewarded.

Well, we got it really bad up here in SLC. A whole two inches!! How am I ever going to get my car out of that today?!?!?
It was our prayers. Our prayers saved us from the storm of impending doom and death.
Thanks for being so righteous ~J.
Happy Thanksgiving indeed.
I love a good fake excuse to incite grocery store riots
and I maintain that utah weather casters are complete morons
LOL The best part was that my husband came home early! Weather people are such dorks.
That is crazy! I am glad because my mom is staying at our home and does NOT do snow. She was totally stressed. This makes me feel a lot better!
I dislike how I had two very disappointed children on my hands this morning who lamented greatly their former plans for snowmen and frolicking.
I loved your #fakeblizzard tweets yesterday.
That looks like English snow... or a hard frost!
Hahahahaha! Yes, that was a great fake blizzard. I went to the grocery store last night to get some dinner and it was utter chaos there. I think I heard phrases like Blizzard 2010 and snowmaggedon. It's a cross between being really funny and really sad. I guess on the bright side, I'm glad we are all ok. :)
I'm going straight over to that Pope guy or the guy who wears white suits, and they can deal with my three year old who didn't get to build a snowman and had to drink hot chocolate while staring outside at nothing.
Jason and I were laughing all of yesterday at everyone's complete overreactions. So many things closed and canceled because of the "big storm" that never seemed to materialize. I think we got maybe two inches at best much for the blizzard we were promised.
I think it's a conspiracy. Wal-Mart and Costco joined forces with Utah's meteorologists.
Ummm, but we were praying for snow. No snow for the wicked, I guess.
I actually feel cheated.
Our gas station ran completely out of gas due to people panicking.
And the mall? It was a veritable graveyard. Just the way I like it.
Actually, I had the same thought. So I went on a little drive to Draper. I don't know why, I just needed to give something to my niece. I got hammered! Almost burnt out my transmission trying to get up that frozen hill by Alta View and I couldn't turn when my street came up because the street was so slippery. You just never know when to believe them or not.
Provo seemed to miss getting much of anything at all. I loved my son's reaction on Facebook: "If i don't get an apocalyptic blizzard soon... ... ... I'll be... rather upset"
Wow. I know!!!!
I was excited.
Then disappointed.
This didn't do my inherent dislike for "meteorologists" any favors.
KP - Have The Hoff dig out your car for you.
ceej - See? The righteous are spared, ONCE AGAIN. And amen.
CBC - Hey, I only report the truth.
Kalli - It was seriously stoopit at the stores that day.
Stacey - Lucky!
Emily - Oh, good! Was she scared, though?
Emily - that is, of the snow that did fall?
Azu' - Ditto that over here.
sue-do - Thanks!
Naomi - Does it not snow much there?
Sonora - Those poor cashiers. I bet when they got to their cars that night they were like, "Um, what?"
The redhead - Excellent plan.
Jen - I love when things cancel ahead of time due to weather predictions. wah-waaaaaaaah!
Camille - You are BRILLIANT! I think you've figured it out!
dalene - shhhh...don't give away our secret!
ckw - me too.
Mrs. O - ran out of gas? I think that's really funny.
Adrian - Draper's crazy town. Like, backwards world.
Karen - ha! yes.
Lola - Are you amongst the crowd who scoff at meteorology as a science? tee hee!
In Scotland and the north of England it snows quite a bit, but I live in the southwest of England and Devon has mild weather usually. It rarely snows or gets frosty here so when it does I get a little excited! For the last week we've had snow all over the country but not here... it's been below freezing though, so I'm hoping snow arrives soon!
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