Mastermind Board Game from Pressman Toys
· In order to win, players must use strategy and problem solving skills to outsmart their opponent. One player is the codemaker and sets a code of colored pegs. The other player is the codebreaker and attempts to break the code with help from clues given by the codemaker.
· Players take turns being codemaker and codebreaker and whoever breaks the code in the least amount of moves wins!
· Mastermind Attache Edition is also available. The same classic board game now comes in a compact zippered case perfect for travel.
· For 2 Players. Ages 8 to adult. MSRP $14
· Website:
I'm giving away one Mastermind game to a lucky winner!
~ Leave a comment telling me your favorite childhood board game.
Giveaway ends on Friday, October 22nd at 11:59 PM, MST. Winner will be announced on Monday, October 25th. Winner will send me their contact info via email, after which the game will be mailed directly to the winner from my contact at Pressman.
Pressman Toy is an FTC compliant company. Disclosure: I was given this game by Pressman Toy for free to review and I get to keep the game at the end of my review period.
We love board games and would love to add more to our collection. I played a game like this a long time ago--so fun!
My favorite was "Operation".
I'm not trying to be a kiss-up, but Mastermind was one of my favorite boardgames!
I loved a marble game called Stay Alive. I wish I could find it. Mastermind looks hard. But I want it.
chutes and ladders!
Monopoly. Also The Barbie Game. My friend had Mastermind and I loved to play it. But we were too poor to have it at our house. Sob.
Looks like I missed the separate blogs and put all my answers down on the last one like a doofus.
I really liked Life growing up, I still feel like playing but do not currently own one of the original or any of the billion themed ones.
I have many a found memory of playing Monopoly on New Years Day at my grandmother's home.
;this was actually one of my favorite because i could play and win against my brothers (5)without the head beating against the brick fireplace better known as monopoly
Hi-Ho Cherry-O! It was my very first, brand new game. :)
I could play Yahtzee for hours and hours!
I was actually looking for Mastermind a few years ago. I'm glad to see it's still being made.
I totally forgot about this game. I couldn't figure out how to win it as a kid, but then as a teen we got an electronic version and I rocked it. It would be fun to play this with my kids.
My fav... monopoly, sorry... and we had a bunch of discovery kids board games we played all the time.
It's a race. I hope I win.
I played this game when I was younger and didn't know where to find it. I really liked Memory as a kid.
I loved playing Life when I was younger. The cars, the little stick people, the spinner. Classic. :>)
I loved Connect 4 as a kid. I always thought I was the best and could always beat my parents. Until I had 5 children of my own did I realize the moms always let the kids win!!!
Candyland was my favorite childhood game.
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