My doctor told me yesterday that even people who don't have allergies are having allergy-type problems this year. It's really bad. Dang cottonwood trees.
I'll be back when I'm feeling better, mmmkay?
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I'm sorry, allergies are the stinkage. The cottonwoods do me in too. One of the best things are Patanol eye drops. They're RX, but they keep me from wanting to dig my eyes out. Also chlor-tabs (OTC) are a good non-drowsy allergy pill.
I hear you. Lots of sneezing going on here, though not in a beautiful meadow and serene yoga clothes. More like pj's and a computer desk! Feel better!
You know what worked for me? Nope, not Claritan. Acupuncture. Call me. I'll give you the guy's name. He's such a good price, too.
Me too! My allergies are normally gone by the end of May, but here it is July and every morning I still wake up with a nose that just starts draining. I'ts lovely.
Holy suckitude... My oldest is driving me crazy with his allergy cough. I hope you and he feels better!
Thanks, everyone.
Justin, I will call you. I'm intrigued.
Bless you! Hugs!
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