And that is where that ends.
In other news, today is my Dad's birthday! He is 37. (No he's not.) For his birthday, YOU get the gift of looking at some pictures, all of which I abducted from various Facebook pages.

He was born in Massachusetts
and grew up in Maine and in Eastern New York.

at one of his sister's weddings.
(That apostrophe is in the correct place.)
He is standing behind his mom,
my beautiful grandma, who is wearing the blue dress.

as only siblings can do with each other.
This was last June at my cousin Meg's wedding.

Kuna, Mark Twain, Jay,
Mintz, Minnie, My Dad.
(Dear Jay - you need a nickname.)

My brother, my dad, myself, my seester (my 30th).
Happy birthday, Old Man.
Happy birthday, Old Man.
really? your other brother? thanks. could you make that picture smaller please?
happy birthday to your padre. he's a real looker. and a real kick. i'm glad you have him in your life.
dads are one of the greatest things out there. happy birthday to yours!
Happy Birthday dad dad daddio.
Do I get a prize if I know the movie from whence your title came?
J Bender.
Ryan's lucky day is 7-7-07. Or maybe it should be my lucky day since I birthed him. And Happy Day to your dad!
Love that line from "The Breakfast Club." Happy B-Day Pops!
Your dad and my dad both grew up in Maine! What part? I wonder if they know each other. And only a daughter of a Mainiac would get their kind of humor. Cause people from Maine are different like that.
April~Living The Sweet Life
I lived in Sherman Mills, Boothbay Harbor, Orono[ as a college student] and Bangor...and yes, they do have a different kind of betcha
MAINE- the way life should be
Oh my goodness...Bubby does look like your dad!
Yeah for Daddys and Birthdays! Love those pictures too!
Old pictures are the best. I bet you Dad loved this post!
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