The day after the wedding, there was sleeping in, a facial, some getting-together, and a trip to a li'l town called Skaneateles. Look like a silly word? Here's how you say it: Skinny Atlas.
At the end of a pier, we have Nat, Brad, Ash, & Rachel:
At the end of a pier, we have Nat, Brad, Ash, & Rachel:

Minnie & Steve, and Kuna, getting her picture taken by Missy, being teased by John:

Maggie & Jenny (can't wait for your visit, Mags!):

Mia, Sue, John, Missy:

Mia (Hamm?):

We walked to the ice cream shop where Uncle John treated us to some cones :

Nat & Mia, as we all take a break on a lawn:

You and Maggie look alike.
And... what is with the Chinese?
And Skinny Atlas looks beautiful.
Lots of famous smiles in your tribe. Cool!
You speak Chinese? or Tongues?
Thanks for the love and prayers, friend. Love you back.
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