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Monday, September 03, 2007

Thanks, everyone, for your feedback on that last post. I want to make something clear: I wasn't (and I'm not) fishing for comments. I do appreciate when comments are left (that's why I don't turn off my comment feature), and I understand that sometimes people read without commenting -- it doesn't mean that they didn't enjoy what they read, they just left it was it was. And that's fine. I just didn't want it to seem that by the example that I gave of what happened a few years ago, that I am comment-starved.

Moving on...

It's Labor Day. The last day of summer. Lots of you have already started school for the year, or your kids have. Not here, for me and my house: we start this week. You know, in New York, we always, ALWAYS started school after Labor Day. When I found out that school in Utah started in August, I thought: LAME. I was excited to learn that this year, my kids' summer vacation would extend through Labor Day, but let me tell you: NO FUN WHEN YOUR KIDS' FRIENDS ARE ALL IN SCHOOL. *sigh*

Moving on...

"Why have you started blogging again now?" I've been asked. I think it's a good time. I found out that three of my friends, who I know otherwise but have met strictly through blogging, are pregnant; I learned this in one week's time, and that was last week. Why would I not want to be in bloggyland when all that happiness is going on?

And finally...

for your enjoyment:

~for a good time, go here (thank you, la yen)

~check this one out (you're welcome, la yen)

~what could be more awesome than this?


More Caffiene, Please said...

Your blog, that's what's more awesome!
Thanks for the shout-out.

Tori :) said...

I'm glad you're back.
We started school Aug. 21. Lame.

Carina said...

I don't like that my husband started school, haha!

Ok, so I do.

I also like that he'll be out in May (hooray!)

All sock monkey, all the time.

QueenScarlett said...

Happy Labor DAY... welcome back.

Are you diggin' your new Ryka? I love mine. ;-)

Geo said...

Ev'rybody's got somethin' to hide, 'cept for me and my monkey . . . .

Thanks for the linkage!

I saw a cute teenage girl in the canyon yesterday who seemed to me like a younger ~j. It was fun to watch her dancing up the river trail with her friends, music literally coming from her booty. (We heard music coming from that part of her anatomy, but never could identify any wires or gadgets, so we just assumed she was the source.)

La Yen said...

I need someone to make me that chair. So Carlos and Pucky can sit in it.

C. Jane Kendrick said...

I know! It's almost like blogging makes you pregnant.

~j. said...

mcp - you're welcome! Any quote of Aunt Bethany is golden, but ESPECIALLY when it comes from your boy!

tori - we just started today! and the rainy morning made it PERFECT. aaahhhhhh...

queen - yes, LOVE the ryka. love it. have you used yours much? My feet are so happy.

geo - If she is truly a younger me, I'd like to meet that girl . . . and warn her.

yen - I'll make it for you. It's cheaper that way.

ceej - I know! Just like paying more tithing.

Stephanie Aurora Clark Nielson said...

loves to you jen!

~j. said...

nie! thanks for the love! back at you. ps - I really liked your F.F. with Scott. Very nice.

Anonymous said...

LOVE the Christmas Vacation prayer. Awesome.

Phun enjoys throwing in a few choice phrases now and then as well. It's always entertaining.

~j. said...

Hi, kentuck! I'd love to hear Phun's prayer phrases. He's a doll.