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Thursday, August 01, 2013

Blogust Again

Remember Blogust?

Remember? Last year's virtual relay for Shot@Life during the month of August? And I was one of the bloggers? And over 600 of you commented on that post, raising over $12,000 for life-saving vaccines to children who most need them?

Remember that?

It's back.

This month you can read 31 stories of Moments that Matter - personal milestones in the lives of this year's team of Blogust contributors.

And this year? One Comment = One Vaccine.

That's good math.

Thanks to Walgreens, the United Nations Foundation and Shot@Life for bringing us another great opportunity to use our words (comments) to help others around the world.

Be certain to follow along at to find the post of the day and leave your comment.

*IN ORDER TO COUNT AS A CONTRIBUTING COMMENT FOR BLOGUST, THE COMMENT MUST BE MADE ON THE BLOGUST POST. Unfortunately, fb comments and such don't count. So go! Find today's post and comment! Also, follow #blogust on twitter and facebook. Spread the word, and thanks for being awesome!

**I also wrote a piece on Million Moms Challenge (a site powered by the United Nations Foundation and ABC News) about Blogust 2013.

1 comment:

Emily said...

Always love it when Blogust rolls around!